Address Type Objects
Address type information applicable for ANZ only
Last updated
Address type information applicable for ANZ only
Last updated
The Metadata object is used when receiving data from the Harmony RightAddress metadata API methods.
Type: String
The displayable name of the metadata item (e.g. 'LOWER GROUND').
Type: String
The value of the metadata item (e.g. 'LG')
A MetadataList object is an array or list of Metadata structures. It is used to transport multiple instances of Metadata objects (e.g. to return a list of Floor Level or Flat/Unit types).
A MetadataRestRequest object is used when invoking the Harmony RightAddress metadata REST service methods.
Type: String
The Source of Truth to use during the REST service method invocation (i.e. 'AUPAF', 'GNAF', 'NZPAF' or 'NZAD'").
A MetadataRestResponse object is returned from the Harmony RightAddress metadata REST service method invocations.
Type: MetadatList
The list of Metadata structures being returned from the REST service method invocation.
Type: String
The status of the request (i.e. 'SUCCESS' or 'ERROR').
Type: String[]
Any error messages generated during the REST service method invocation (e.g. '[ "Access is denied" ]').
Wrapper for name/value pairs.
Container for Metadata objects.
Request wrapper for type REST methods.
Response wrapper for type REST methods.