Business Validation using Commercial Name Parser

Information about commercial name parser within the context of Business Validation PDP

It's crucial to emphasize that every commercial name undergoes parsing, and the parsed outcome from the parser is then subjected to standardization PDP or validation via Business Validation PDPs.

Brief Explanation of Standardization:

Standardization is a way of achieving consistency across company legal terms etc. for e.g. the user would want to standardize company term "proprietary" to pty" before its fed to Business Validation PDPs. Refer page no 101 of Harmony Management Console Reference Guide for details on standardization.

This standardization can be achieved using CompanyNameStandardization PDP.

Brief Explanation of Business Validation:

This process serves to further validate the standardized business data to reduce errors and guarantee the accuracy of business information.

Start Parse

User will need to pick the Client Role and Locale (AUSTRALIA/NEW_ZEALAND) to tokenize the company data.

Here is an explanation of commercial name parse using default DEMO role for COMPANY_DATA model. Using this role ensures the company data is parsed and standardized.

Sample 1: Single company name parse

Refer companyName json object to see that the input has been parsed as an "organisationalName" and the company terms are standardized.

// Input
    "harmonyServiceConfig": {
        "role": "DEMO",
    "parserInput": {
        "rawDataInput": {
            "companyName": {
                "value": "1 CCTV Proprietary Limited"	
// Response 
    "ciqPartyDocument": {
        "pdpchangeContext": {},
        "options": {
            "exposeAttributes": "7"
        "containedInParties": false,
        "locationInParties": 0,
        "companyName": {
            "personalName": false,
            "companyName": "1 CCTV PTY LTD",
            "organisationalName": true,
            "nameQuality": 9

Sample 2: Multiple company name entities parse

// Input
    "harmonyServiceConfig": {
        "role": "DEMO",
    "parserInput": {
        "rawDataInput": {
            "companyName": {
                "value": "Eternal Graphix trading as Xyz pty ltd as trustee for James Jones"
// Response
    "ciqPartyRelationshipDocument": {
        "options": {
            "originalInput": "Eternal Graphix trading as Xyz pty ltd as trustee for James Jones",
            "exposeAttributes": "7"
        "numberOfParties": 3,
        "parties": [
                "pdpchangeContext": {},
                "containedInParties": true,
                "relationshipLabel": "person1",
                "locationInParties": 1,
                "personName": {
                    "personalName": true,
                    "lastName": "Graphix",
                    "firstName": "Eternal",
                    "organisationalName": false,
                    "fullName": "Eternal Graphix",
                    "nameQuality": 4
                "pdpchangeContext": {},
                "containedInParties": true,
                "relationshipLabel": "organisation1",
                "locationInParties": 2,
                "companyName": {
                    "personalName": false,
                    "organisationalName": true,
                    "companyName": "Xyz pty ltd",
                    "nameQuality": 6
                "pdpchangeContext": {},
                "containedInParties": true,
                "relationshipLabel": "person2",
                "locationInParties": 3,
                "personName": {
                    "personalName": true,
                    "lastName": "Jones",
                    "firstName": "James",
                    "organisationalName": false,
                    "fullName": "James Jones",
                    "nameQuality": 4
    "relationships": [
            "from": "person1",
            "to": "organisation1",
            "title": "trading",
            "arcrole": ""
            "from": "organisation1",
            "to": "person2",
            "title": "trust",
            "arcrole": ""

Notes for Interpreting the Parsed JSON Objects of Sample 1 and Sample 2:

containedInParties in CIQPartyDocument represents tokenized presentation of input entity. containedInParties will be false for a single entity and true for multiple entities. This suggests that it contains or holds parties which could be individuals or organizations.

originalInput under options JSON object is only shown for company names.

  1. with containedInParties as true or

  2. or for company names for which parsing has been surpassed in instances where the names are failed to parse by parser. For details refer Parse exceptions.

numberOfParties represent the actual count of the entities.

locationInParties represent the entity number.

relationships json object represents the relation of entities.

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