Understanding Phone Data

This section includes all the enriched information returned by Phone Validation PDP along with some potential exception messages.

Phone Validation JSON Payload

Below is the explanation for the response of Phone Validation.


Any country code associated with the supplied phone number (e.g. '+61', '+64', '+44').


Any area code associated with the supplied (non-mobile) phone number (e.g. '02').


The local part of the supplied number (e.g. '12345678')


The mobile operator associated with the supplied number (e.g. 'Vodafone Australia')

  • Phone numbers marked with a 'connected|Network confirmed connection' phoneStatus will display the actual provider name (e.g. 'Vodafone Australia') under the 'operatorName' field.

  • Phone numbers marked with a 'disconnected|Network confirmed disconnection' phoneStatus will display 'Unknown' under the 'operatorName' field.

  • Phone numbers with an 'indeterminate' status will not display any 'operatorName' in the JSON response.


The current status of the mobile phone with the supplied number (e.g. 'connected|Network confirmed connection', 'disconnected|Network confirmed disconnection', 'indeterminate').


An exception message outlining the errors that occurred during validation will be shown for phone numbers with following status.

  • Phone numbers with 'indeterminate' phone status. (e.g. 'Number prefix missing', 'Network is forbidden', 'Invalid destination address.').

  • Phone numbers with the 'connected|Network confirmed connection' status are validated in the default countries 'AU' or 'NZ' but may be validated as another country (e.g., 'Validated as another country - IN'). For further insight into the importance of the default country, please refer the 'Default Country for Phone Validation' section.

JSON Representations for connected, disconnected and indeterminate phone status.

    //connected|Network confirmed connection
    "ciqPartyDocument": {
        "pdpchangeContext": {},
        "options": {
            "exposeAttributes": "7"
        "phone": {
            "countryCode": "61",
            "numberType": "61",
            "localNumber": "0412345678",
            "phoneQuality": 7,
            "extraAttributes": {
                "MediaType": "61",
                "phoneStatus": "connected|Network confirmed connection",
                "operatorName": "Vodafone Australia"
        "locationInParties": 0,
        "containedInParties": false
//connected|Network confirmed connection validated as another country
    "ciqPartyDocument": {
        "pdpchangeContext": {},
        "options": {
            "exposeAttributes": "7"
        "phone": {
            "countryCode": "44",
            "localNumber": "1234567878",
            "phoneQuality": 7,
            "extraAttributes": {
                "exception": "Validated as another country - GB",
                "phoneStatus": "connected|Network confirmed connection",
                "operatorName": "MNO - 3 (Hutchison 3G UK Ltd)"
        "locationInParties": 0,
        "containedInParties": false
// disconnected|Network confirmed disconnection
    "ciqPartyDocument": {
        "pdpchangeContext": {},
        "options": {
            "exposeAttributes": "7"
        "phone": {
            "numberType": "61",
            "localNumber": "0412222222",
            "phoneQuality": 5,
            "extraAttributes": {
                "MediaType": "61",
                "phoneStatus": "disconnected|Network confirmed disconnection",
                "operatorName": "Unknown"
        "locationInParties": 0,
        "containedInParties": false
// indeterminate
    "ciqPartyDocument": {
        "pdpchangeContext": {},
        "options": {
            "exposeAttributes": "7"
        "phone": {
            "localNumber": "441112223333",
            "phoneQuality": 5,
            "extraAttributes": {
                "exception": "Number prefix missing",
                "phoneStatus": "indeterminate"
        "locationInParties": 0,
        "containedInParties": false

Understanding Phone Data with Various Samples

Here is a sample input file that comprises of global numbers across different countries AU, IN, NZ and GB, this file has been processed with default locale as "AUSTRALIA". Please refer Alignment of Default Locale and 'hosted.defaultCountry for Phone Validation Users for locale setup.

Harmony Batch Output.

Phone numbers with an Output_phoneStatus as 'connected' are validated.

Phone numbers with an Output_phoneStatus as 'disconnected' or 'indeterminate' cannot be validated.

  • Numbers not presented in international format '+##' (e.g., Records 4 and 7).

  • Landline numbers (Record 9).

  • Disconnected mobile numbers (Record 10).

  • Other invalid data (Record 8).

Understanding Phone Validation Exceptions

Exception generated when Api credentials for phone are not set as detailed in Phone and Email Access Configuration File.

    "ciqPartyDocument": {
        "pdpchangeContext": {},
        "options": {
            "exposeAttributes": "7"
        "containedInParties": false,
        "locationInParties": 0,
        "phone": {
            "localNumber": "+44 123 456 7865",
            "phoneQuality": 5
    "exceptions": [
            "cause": {
                "cause": {
                    "code": "H143",
                    "category": "PDP",
                    "description": "HostedPhoneValidation - ROAD error: Missing API user or password for hosted phone validation",
                    "message": "H143 : HostedPhoneValidation - ROAD error: Missing API user or password for hosted phone validation",
                    "localizedMessage": "H143 : HostedPhoneValidation - ROAD error: Missing API user or password for hosted phone validation"
                "code": "H143",
                "category": "PDP",
                "description": "HostedPhoneValidation - ROAD error: Missing API user or password for hosted phone validation",
                "message": "H143 : HostedPhoneValidation - ROAD error: Missing API user or password for hosted phone validation",
                "localizedMessage": "H143 : HostedPhoneValidation - ROAD error: Missing API user or password for hosted phone validation"
            "code": "H143",
            "category": "PDP",
            "description": "HostedPhoneValidation - ROAD error: Missing API user or password for hosted phone validation",
            "inputData": "+44 123 456 7865",
            "inputType": "PHONE_DATA",
            "message": "H143 : HostedPhoneValidation - ROAD error: Missing API user or password for hosted phone validation",
            "localizedMessage": "H143 : HostedPhoneValidation - ROAD error: Missing API user or password for hosted phone validation"

Exception generated when global phone validation is not enabled as detailed in Activating Global Phone Validation

    "exceptions": [
            "code": "H112",
            "category": "PARSER",
            "description": "No pattern matched for this input - +44 123 456 7865. Check for punctuation errors, duplicate fields, incorrect input format and incorrect input data.",
            "inputData": "+44 123 456 7865",
            "inputType": "PHONE_DATA",
            "message": "H112 : No pattern matched for this input - 44 744 618 4828. Check for punctuation errors, duplicate fields, incorrect input format and incorrect input data.",
            "localizedMessage": "H112 : No pattern matched for this input - 44 744 618 4828. Check for punctuation errors, duplicate fields, incorrect input format and incorrect input data."

Last updated