How to use our demos


Before you begin you will need a Loqate Harmony Account. You can register a free trial to get started.

Understanding the demo templates

Each of demo you will need to include you Authentication to use. We use Codepen so you can see how we have implemented our API's and supporting libraries.


First enter you credentials and press start. This is the same for all demo's


Each demo you can set common Options to optimise the look, feel and performance of our API's. We set the default to what works for most of the time. Changing the filters is about tuning the use case for your business.

Demo section

Each demo varies to display the performance of our API's. However, commonly we have input fields usually appearing first with instructions then the full response from our API service based on your filters.

Input fields

These provide you with the customer experience of using Loqate in a field. Commonly things that would take you several fields are solved in just a few keystrokes.


The full response from our API. Often from the few keystrokes put into the input field our full response is full of data structured and ready for use.

Go to Demo

Address Validation DemoAddress by Geocode (Reverse Geocode) DemoAddress Cleanse DemoAddress Parse DemoBusiness Validation DemoEmail Validation DemoPhone Validation demo

Last updated