Australia Post Parcel Locker Plus Lookup
This page provides information about the HRA Restful API's 'similar-addresses' feature, which now includes functionality for searching and filtering Australia Post Parcel Locker Plus Data.
To complete the search requires the same API 'similar-addresses' that returns detailed information of the Parcel Locker Plus and existing datasets.
similar-addresses - Returns a list of valid Australia Post Asset data using partial or complete address information.
This API enables users to retrieve a list of valid Australia Post Parcel Locker Plus data based on either complete or partial address information, including street address, locality name, or keywords such as Parcel Locker, Post office, and Street Posting Box.
Users can further refine their search by giving precedence to locality, state, postcode details to filter the data relevant to their input. Additionally, users can filter data by different address types, including Parcel Locker, Post Office, and Street Posting Box addresses. The available type names are integrated into the option description on the HRA demo page for user convenience.
Furthermore, the API allows for cross-country searches, enabling users to explore data sources from both Australia and New Zealand.
The port number is configurable, with the default ports being:
Tomcat: 8080
Lookup addresses with AU Parcel Locker Plus (Aust Post Assets) (All: Parcel Locker, Offices, Shops).
required input field*
Name | Type | Example | Description |
Payload | |||
fullAddress* | string | 10 High | partial/complete address information entered by end user. Input can include street address, locality name, or keywords such as Parcel Locker, Post office, and Street Posting Box. |
state | string | NSW | Filters address response to state. Often used with validateFields option. |
locality | string | Sydney CBD | Filters address response to locality. Often used with validateFields option. |
postcode | string | 2000 | Filters address response to postcode. Often used with validateFields. |
Options | |||
source* | string | AUPOST | Within AU & NZ specifies the desired dataset for your use case. Options: AUS: "AUPAF", "GNAF", "AUPOST" NZ: "NZPAF", "NZAD", "CNAR" |
top | integer | 5 default 20 | Maximum number of results returned from the lookup. "top" option set will evenly distribute the search across defined sources when "sources" and "moreSources" are set in the request. |
caseType | string | TITLE default UP | Case type for the returned addresses and components. LOW = lowercase, UP = UPPERCASE, TITLE = Title Case |
validateFields | ["STATE","POSTCODE"] | Determines whether to filter the results based on the configured fields (i.e. [ "LOCALITY", "STATE", "POSTCODE"]). For example, if "validateFields" is ["STATE","POSTCODE] and the "payload" has "state" as "NSW" and postcode as "2747" it will only show the results from NSW 2747. The "state" field also support multiple values separated by "|", e.g. "NSW|VIC|QLD". | |
string | ["upl", "lpo", "cpa", "rp", "ra", "rspb", "cspb"] | Default all. Array of filters to be applied to the lookup results. Used to control which Australian Post asset data is available in serviceable network. | |
moreSources | string | ["AUPOST", "NZAD"] | Looks up additional sources and combines results. Used in conjunction with source to expand address search. options: AUPAF, AUPOST, GNAF, NZPAF, NZAD, CNAR. Linktable cannot be accessed using moreSources. Please note that duplicated results can appear if searching from sources within one country, e.g. 'AUPAF' and 'GNAF'. |
locale | enum | AU | Locale in which similar-addresses returns the addresses.Supports only "AU". When a locale is specified, the search is conducted within Australian data sources, including "AUPAF" and "GNAF." |
baseSource | string | "GNAF" |"AUPAF" default baseSource "GNAF" | Used together with "locale" to enable linktable access. Specifies which data source is used as the base for the search result. Additional information from the other source (if available) is added to the addresses from the base result. |
Understanding addressTypeFilter:
This filter enables granular filtering of the data types within Parcel Locker Plus data assets. Commonly these are filtered by Collection use cases - in that the end user is to collect mail or package from a location OR Sending use cases which is the location of Red/Yellow post boxes that are being posted.
Common Use Cases:
Collection Only: You need to set the "addressTypeFilter": "-rspb, -cspb". This searches everything except the sending use cases.
Sending Only: You need to set the "addressTypeFilter": "rspb, cspb". This searches only the sending use cases.
Parcel Locker Only: You need to set the "addressTypeFilter": "upl". This searches only Parcel Locker locations.
The addressTypeFilter are as detailed below:
addressTypeFilter Code | Description |
Find AU Parcel Locker Plus (Aust Post Assets) using the key words Parcel Locker, Post shop within a specific locality or postcode.
Our API is highly configurable to suit your use case. Here are some fine-tuned samples to filter out specific AU Parcel Locker Plus (Aust Post Assets) using the address type filters.
Request 3 and Request 4 demonstrate the capability of performing search using locality input, with further refinement available through the use of the addressTypeFilter parameter.
Kingswood is a place with following Aust Post Assets.
Kingswood NSW 2747(1-RP)
Kingswood NSW 2340(1-CPA)
Kingswood SA 5062(Red Street Posting Box-4records)
Kingswood NSW 2747(Red Street Posting Box-3records)
Kingswood NSW 2747(Combined Street Posting Box-1record)
Using MoreSources and Parcel Locker Plus
Request 6 and Request 7 demonstrates searches across various sources by utilizing moreSources, which includes cross-country searches.
primary source: option "source"
additional source: option "moreSources"
Please be aware that the "top" option set will evenly distribute the search across the defined sources. For instance, if the top 6 is specified, then two records will be sourced from each source, including both the primary source and additional sources. It's important to note that records from the primary source will be given priority and listed at the top of the results.