Phone Validation

Takes one or more mobile phone numbers as an input and performs validation, returning a list of the results. The maximum number of input phone numbers is 100 per call.

Phone Validation

Takes one or more mobile phone numbers as an input and performs validation, returning a list of the results. The maximum number of input phone numbers is 100 per call.

Phone Validation coverages is global when full international number format (ITU E.123) is used.As example includes the '+' with the country code eg '+61 412 123 456' or '+22 607 123 4567'.

See phone coverage to understand country coverage.

Resource URL



The request body is a PhoneRestRequest object:

        "payload": [ { "fullPhone": "0412345678", "country": "AU" } ]


The response body is a PhoneRestResponse object:

        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "messages": [],
        "payload": [
                "fullPhone": "0412345678",
                "country": "AU",
                "countryCode": "61",
                "areaCode": "",
                "localNumber": "0412345678",
                "operatorName": "Vodafone Australia",
                "phoneStatus": "connected|Network confirmed connection",
                "exception": ""

Last updated