Parse Objects

Parse Objects

The result of a parsed Australian Address.

The result of a parsed New Zealand Address.

ParsedAddressAu <<extends>> AddressAu

A ParsedAddressAu object extends a standard AddressAu object and is returned in the parse method response for Australian addresses.

See AddressAu for inherited attributes.


Type: StringAn optional 'Care Of' value for the parsed address.


Type: StringA message outlining any errors that occuring during the parse process (e.g. "Not enough information").

JSON Representation

    	"attributes": null,
    	"exception": null,
        "fullAddress": "c/o Bob Flemming, L 2 SE 202 220 GEORGE ST, SYDNEY NSW 2000",
        "country": "",
        "postcode": "2000",
        "street2": "",
        "street": "GEORGE ST",
        "streetName": "GEORGE",
        "streetSuffix": "", 
        "streetType": "ST",          
        "streetNumber": "220",
        "postal": "",
        "postalNumber": "",
        "postalType": "",         
        "buildingName": "",
        "subdwelling": "L 2 SE 202",
        "flatUnitNumber": "202",
        "flatUnitType": "SE",
        "floorLevelNumber": "2",
        "floorLevelType": "L",
        "lotNumber": null,        
        "eid": null,
        "id": null,
        "careOf": "c/o Bob Flemming",
        "exception": null,
        "locality": "SYDNEY",
        "state": "NSW"

ParsedAddressNz <<extends>> AddressNz

A ParsedAddressAu object extends a standard AddressNz object and is returned in the parse method response for New Zealand addresses.

See AddressNz for inherited attributes.


Type: StringAn optional 'Care Of' value for the parsed address.


Type: StringA message outlining any errors that occuring during the parse process (e.g. "Not enough information").

JSON Representation

        "fullAddress": "c/o Bob Flemming, 25 PANAMA STREET, WELLINGTON CENTRAL, WELLINGTON 6011",
        "attributes": null,        
        "country": "",
        "postcode": "6011",
        "street": "PANAMA STREET",
        "streetName": "PANAMA",
        "streetSuffix": "", 
        "streetType": "STREET",         
        "streetNumber": "25",
        "postal": "",
        "postalNumber": "",
        "postalType": "",         
        "buildingName": "",
        "subdwelling": "",
        "flatUnitNumber": "",
        "flatUnitType": "",
        "floorLevelNumber": "",
        "floorLevelType": "",
        "lotNumber": "",          
        "eid": null,
        "id": null,
        "exception": null,
        "careOf": "c/o Bob Flemming",
        "exception": null,
        "townCity": "WELLINGTON",
        "suburb": "WELLINGTON CENTRAL"

Last updated