Australia Post Parcel Locker Plus Validation

Validate Australian addresses using Australia Post Asset data to enhance data accuracy, minimize errors, and ensure the reliability of information through comprehensive validation.

To complete validation, AupostValidation PDP can be chained within address data model to achieve a specific data cleansing exercise. This PDP is exclusively accessible for AUSTRALIA.


A comprehensive guide that signifies the essential requirements that needs to be met to access AupostValidation.


Configuring AupostValidation

This section provides insights into configuring the AupostValidation PDP setup using Harmony Management Console.

PDP Configuration Setup

Using AupostValidation

After completing the necessary Prerequisites and configurations for PDPS provided in Configuring AupostValidation the system is prepared for AupostValidation runs through both AupostValidation using Harmony Batch System and AupostValidation using Harmony WS.

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