Address Validation & Lookup
Address lookup methods take partial or complete address information search against an address Source of Truth, returning validated and enriched address information.
To complete address validation requires using 2 API's each provide a specific purpose.
Find - Returns a list of valid addresses based on partial or complete address information.
Retrieve - Using the 'Find id' returns the validated and enriched address information.
Supported Countries: All countries including Australia and New Zealand. See our global data coverage.
Looking for Address by Geocode or Reverse Geocoding? Click here
Lookup addresses using a partial or complete address information in a single line address field.
You can do further lookup using the id
when the Type
of the result was not Address
will only process the first record in the request.
International addresses lookup using a single-line input address
International addresses lookup using a single-line input address
Demo available here:****
The request body is an AddressRestRequest object.
We have a large amount of use case based performance tuning that can be done.
*=required field
Name | Type | Example | Description |
Payload | |||
country* | string | AU | ISO-2 or ISO-3 country |
fullAddress* | string | 10 High | partial address information entered by end users. |
id | string | AU1235 | The id from previous request indicating request from groupedAddress |
state | string | NSW | AU & NZ only. Filters to address response to the state |
locality | string | Sydney CBD | AU & NZ only. Filters to address response to the locality. Often used with strictValidation = 0. |
postcode | string | 2000 | AU & NZ only. Filters to address response to the postcode. Often used with strictValidation = 0. |
sourceOfTruth | |||
sourceOfTruth* | string | AUSOTS | Within AU & NZ specifies the desired dataset for your use case. Options: AUS: "AUPAF", "GNAF", "AUSOTS","AUPOST" NZ: "NZPAF", "NZAD", "CNAR" |
featureOptions | |||
singleLineHitNumber | integer | 5 default 20 | Maximum number of results returned from the lookup. |
caseType | string | TITLE default UP | Case type for the returned addresses and components. LOW = lowercase, UP = UPPERCASE, TITLE = Title Case |
moreSources | string | "AUPOST,NZAD" | Lookups additional Sources of Truth and combines results. Used in conjunction with sourceOfTruth to expand address reach. |
displayGnafLot | string | ("0"|"1") default 1 | Determines if the lot information is displayed in addresses retrieved from GNAF. |
suppressLot | string | ("0"|"1") default 1 | Suppresses Lot information when a street# is available in the address. If Street# is not in address then Lot information is displayed. Used when displayGnafLot = 1 and suppressLot = 1. |
groupAddresses | string | ("0"|"1") default 0 | If "1", the service will try to collapse sub-dwelling addresses within the same primary address into a group to reduce clutter. Recommended for INTL addresses. |
positionFilter | string | POSTAL ROOFTOP DOORSTOP SINGLE | AU Only. Default all Array of filters to be applied to the lookup results. Used to control which addresses you have in your serviceable network. |
addressTypeFilter | string | urban, box, bag, rural, counter, cmb urban, cmb rural, upl, lpo, cpa, rp, ra, rspb, cspb | Default all Array of filters to be applied to the lookup results. Used to control which addresses you have in your serviceable network. |
exposePhantom | string | ("0"|"1") default 0 | Determines whether to expose phantom addresses for AUPAF. If the flag is set to "1", it will expose phantom address. |
baseSource | string | "GNAF" |"AUPAF" default "GNAF" | Used when SourceOfTruth is AUSOTS. Specifies which data source is used as the base for the search result. |
prioritizedSort | string | ("0"|"1") default 1 | Sorts locality information based on popularity of addresses. |
splitNzFloorLevel | string | ("0"|"1") default 0 | Used when SourceOfTruth is NZPAF. When "1", the floor information will be splitted into "floorLevelType" and "floorLevelNumber". |
userInferred | string | ("0"|"1") default 0 | Takes user input relating to subdwellings and inferrers this into the find results. See our guide. |
The response body is an AddressRestResponse object.
See Address Field Mapping Guide for integration best practices.
Our API is highly configurable for your use case. Contact us to help get guidance on optimal settings.
Retrieves validated address for the supplied id
using the Find method.
International addresses retrieve by id
International addresses retrieve by id