Users are allowed to make calls to our RESTful web services. A user is identified by the API Username
and the domain
. The domain is required to match the host where the javascript code is used. If the web service call is made directly from backend program such as Java, PHP, .NET, the domain is not required to be specified.
Each user will require features to be assigned so that the user can have the access to those functions.
Create New User
User is allowed to add or remove features of the API user by clicking Features link.
Assign Features button can be used to add or remove features.
Add features: Tick the checkbox and hit Assign button to add features.
Remove features: Untick the checkbox and hit Assign button to remove features.
User is allowed to modify the API User credential by clicking Detail link.
Click Edit User button to modify the Credential.
Click on Get New Credential button and hit SUBMIT to modify API Credential.
User can also disable API user by ticking the Disable User check box.
Last updated