Interchangeable terms for Australia Post Parcel Lockers
This page details about the interchangeable terms for parcel lockers during lookup or validation.
Configure Interchangeable Parcel Locker Terms
Terms for parcel locker can be configured using the file '' available in $HARMONY_HOME/config/sub folder.
Default terms listed in the file are as follows:
Adding additional interchangeable terms as follows:
If a user is searching for a parcel locker address using the term 'Pcl Lkrs,' they will need to add this term to the properties file.
You can add or modify terms in this file according to your requirements to ensure that users can search for parcel locker addresses using various terms.
Sample to demonstrate the response of HRA similar-addresses using the new term.
Sample to demonstrate the response of AupostValidation PDP using the new term.
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